Saturday, 4 May 2013

5. How did you attract/address your audience?

To attract my audience I used many different media theories to my advantage, especially that of Maslow's hierarchy of needs and Jean Baudrillard's theory on the hyperreality. 

To tie in Maslow's herarchy of needs into my magazine, I made sure I used images of models around a similar age to those of my target audience, I then made sure I portrayed all of the people in my images as successful. This fits with Maslow's hierarchy of needs as the images would make my target demographic jealous of the lifestyle and aspire to be like the artists featured in my magazine. The artist I used for my main article "Lemon Mob" is a one man band around the same age of my target demographic who is being shown to be the worlds biggest rock star. My survey showed that my demographic largely wanted to be musicians when they were older, so portraying my artist as a successful musician would make my demographic aspire to be like him. My demographic grew up around hyperreal edited images since they were young, so I made sure all of the images in my magazine were edited to "perfect" extents, portraying all of the artists in my magazine as perfect. This again tied in with Maslow's hierarchy of needs as it makes my readers want to reach the level of perfection shown in my magazine.

Another way I attracted my audience was through the use of additional incentives and buzz words. The additional incentive I used was a free poster that can only be found inside, this prompts people to have to buy the magazine to get the poster. In my contents page I also had a competition in which people have to locate the hidden koala logo in my magazine to win a big prize. I did not tell them what the prize was, prompting people to go on to my magazines website to actually find out about it. To keep up the use of synergy in promotion of my website, I also used logos of popular social network websites in my magazine to try to get readers to visit my magazine's websites, this is known as horizontal integration.   
I used buzz words to address my audience, but not to quite the extent as most music magazines. It is fairly conventional for music magazines to use lots of buzz words like "special", "preview", "awesome" etc. I tried to steer away from using loads of buzz words as my target demographic like to see themselves as maturer than words like "wow" and "awesome." I still used words like "preview" and "exclusive" though as this suggests that my magazine has information that can't be gotten in any other magazine. 

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